Sunday, 20 March 2016

Background Designs using Acrylic Paint

The three images above were taken whilst tidying up. 'Happy accidents', the paint merged slowly when I added water to the paint on the table and then when I washed the paint off the pallet the paint separated in the sink. I like how the opacity of the paint changes in the top image and i also like how the water has separated the different colours of acrylic paint in the bottom image, into individual blobs.

The Image above was my first attempt at making a background inspired by BMTH. My mistake here was that i didn't let the black paint dry before applying the brighter colours so therefor the colours blended in a way that didn't look effective as an outcome. 

This piece above was created using similar colours to the one above it except I used a sponge and paint brush to spread the paint instead of a piece of card. I like the pattern and different textures that the sponge creates with the Acrylic.

For the Example above, in the three photographs, I used slightly watered down acrylic that I splattered onto the paper using a paintbrush and a pipette. Before doing this I applied blue acrylic with a sponge to show a light contrast but then decided to apply blue and purple which wouldn't contrast so I left the rest of the page white. This links back nicely to the John Hoyland inspired work I created several weeks ago.

Above are two photographs that i took before cleaning up, I used a paint brush to try and merge the colours together which created a nice effect. 

Out of all these background ideas I feel that the splattered piece works well as its not too similar to the BMTH piece and has a link to John Hoyland and one of my previous responses.

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