Space Borne 1993
John Hoyland was Born on the 12th October 1934 and passed away on the 31st July 2011, He was one of the leading painters for Britain in his generation. His career was influenced in the late 1950s and 1960s by his experience with American Abstract Expressionism. He took those influences and deflection them to create his own individual pieces which set himself on his own path.
John likes to focus on colour, shape and composition in his work. He uses strong vibrant colours, he has a limited colour pallet for each piece he creates as there is minimal tones and highlights, the colours are blocked into organic flowing shapes. The dripping effect of the shapes work well to adjust the visual weight of the piece. My eyes follow the piece in a clockwise motion from the bottom right corner, this is because of the choice of colour and arrangements of the shapes. The composition of this piece is different in the way that the arrangements of the shapes do not look uniformed.
This piece creates a vibrant mysterious mood which creates intrigue as you try to link the Title of the painting with the painting itself.
Very good analysis of the artist's work, well done.